Thursday, September 25, 2008

Party yesterday

Hi all my beloved NGB. Hey, my nick should be Nhor Nhor ot Kra Nhor te. A pork pork, pok pok, and me went to the party yesterday night. Now, want to uot you all of how nice our pictures are hehehehe!!!


blackandwhiter said...

lovely pic...can i kiss??? hahah jk don't wanna get wet my computer wet :P

GB said...

Aww... bang nhor yabb... dak ter pic na del she's cute, cute!

ah Pork muk yabb dorl kor! :( Unfair nas lork oey!!!

>>>Kanha Mjas Pao, som joy dig rork justice oey m3 phorng... [heheheh!]

Phors Touch said...

hahaha u kor look cute der na ah Pork, ter cute in other way (berb lop lop ) hahaha. Nis sut ter kdap dey ey na, ah Prok neang ah Pok yerng min tha te ter nis ah Nhor Nhor terb neang tove sors kor prer herngsa neang ke tove hoy. hahhha

GB said...

Porch Porch, if you don't talk kor ort na tha you eng korr der, so kom talk ey pdes pdas loer ort?

Bang nha menn toerb lorb jes use violence when arrived JP noeung teh, she knows it well long ago since the mid of WWI... hehehee...

Men ort ka nhor nhor???

[eve, eve...:o)]