Don't you think it's too quiet in here? I've always been the annoying bug around here. Let's take turn!!! Please!!!
1. AH PORK restricted her blog to invited reader and I'm not invited. Question: Have I done something wrong? Or Are you doing fine, sweetie? Let's talk!!!
2. AH PE decided to apply for the HK scholarship in the last minute. I'm keeping my finger cross for her. Will you too?
3. AH POCH is damn busy with her hubby. She had a great treatment from her hubby on Women's Day. I'm Jealous! I had a fight with Nak on that day haha...
4. AH NHOR is doing fine. I had a talk with her few days ago. Right Nhor?
5. AH PANG couldn't wait till 5 to leave office. I guess she hates her office a lot hahaha... J/K. She pha me for being online most of the time and not working. I suppose she's jealous with me since she's damn busy over there :P We had a little chat few days ago.
6. AH PAO reminded me of those books I borrowed for copying. Too busy to call me for a dinner. Only call for book. NERD :P
7. BANG THOM is quiet as usual lolz... I can't remember when did I last talk to her hehe...
8. COMMENT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. Don't be mad if I offended you. Honestly, I'm missing you guys too much. Let's meet!!!
Humane of ME~*
1 week ago
Hehehe, it's great to see a quick update...
1. Hope a Pork is doing all fine, we, NGB, cares about you dear.
2. yes i did applied for that damn scholarship but the thing my application damn bad hahah...will see the result!
3. A bong bong and A oun: let's have another gathering soon.. i damn miss u ^^
No one is mad at u lolz, in contrast, we are happy to see your offended wordssssss... hahaha
I'm recently a bit bz... "Opp! a bit? or a big big bz w/ revising my crazy thesis heehee ;-("
Pok Pok, you are right! By the way, i was not also invited for ah Pork's blog though we are next to each other lol, even when i'm typing this comment :P [question mark too!]
Yes you are a nosy bug [devil laugh]! J/K. Miss you and other NGBs badly too :/
What a great post to read and re-active this groupie blog :)It also did lighten up the mood (laugh and curse you at the same time ah ka Pok) Well, I set my blog to 'author read' only eh, but the message is shown as if I only open to the invited readers. Ort doueng eh, not Pork Pork's fault :D Love you still and as alw :-X
Missing you all a lot too :-*
PS: Pang Pang, it's LL MM KK not KK LL MM eh :P
Hey Pork Pork! I just wanna show the order of alphabet, ort ban te hors? :P
Miss u all badly ;-)
noeung ;)
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