Hey!!! I got a story to tell you! Remember, we've always complained about Poch Poch not picking up our calls or we could not reach her? Today, I paid a visit at RULE. I first asked the reception lady and she was totally not interested in telling me where Poch Poch is. Anyhow, she was kind enough to point me to Poch Poch's sis who also is working at RULE. As there were many students who came to pay the school fee, I had to wait till my turn comes. And then, I had a little chat with her and ask her where Poch Poch is. And Ta Da!!!! Here she is!!!

It was a surprise seeing her being so different from the last time I saw her but after talking for a very short while, I could still feel her soul, the queen of laughter hahahaha... . As an update, she's just bought a new house to live with her husband. She plans to have an informal house warming party sometimes during Jan. So, make yourself available then, OK???
To PPer: Let's meet up sometimes soon for a second visit to see Kaka again, good?
To the two in JP: Miss nasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Dead ors heuy eh? Rarely see you guys online recently.
To ah Pork: All the best with thesis. I know deadline is coming very very very soon. But clearly, I know you'll make it perfectly fine. Somehow, drop me a line when you wanna get away from the headache writing. I'm forever here ne! MM & LL & KK