Do u remember how was wonderful time we have together?--- miss it. But last time i missed with cheat, b. Mai and kunthy... Cry me a River =(
girls, i miss you so badly lately cuz i have no where to go, and no one go out with :) maybe it is a good excuse to find a boyfriend :P
Bong Mai is super busy with her tight schedule at ACE so we couldn't meet up so often as we planned which is too bad T-T Tomorrow where is a treaty between me, Kunthy (koun hing) and A pork pork to have a wonder evening together so really hope it works out for us.
love ya,
Pe Pe
Humane of ME~*
1 week ago
remember and missing it badly now. donno when can we go on such a trip again :( btw, keep updating. love to hear from you and the rest more :)
PS: though no excuse, u can also find a bf leh :P
Yes, I really really miss that time. I wish the time were backwarded again hehehe ;-) However, it would not be :(
Miss ya all,,,,,,
Hope there'll be a trip again! Also miss that time, a fabulous united trip! Anyway, pei pei, you should introduce that someone to us! hehehe! Waiting to hear from you nas nas nas...:)
Why Cheat did not wear skirt like the rest?
Coz cheat is always yabb jung! This is her!!! hehehe :P
couldn't agree with kaun hing [oOps! I mean Pang Pang] more :P
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