Lately ii find that many of us keep confusing in calling each other nicks, so ii, ah Pork, would like to confirm the names one more time. These below nicks are approved by unanimous consents of members and agreed, in a more than happy expression [or ah khep ah khop], from the owner herself.
Thus, list of nicks shall be declared urgent and officially comes into force from this second on ward.
1) Bang Samay -- N/A [However, her temporarily nick shall be Bang Srey Thom]
2) Kanha -- Nhor Nhor OR Kanh Nhor :p [whichever may please you :)]
3) Kunthy -- Pang Pang [Bread--eating w/ curry! Yummy!]
4) Charya -- Pao Pao [Num Pao--eating on raining day! Myyum!]
5) Rath -- Pe Pe
6) Phors Touch -- Porch Porch [ort Broyoch... added by ah Pork^^]
7) Phorm Tom -- Pok Pok
8) Cheat -- Pork Pork
Reported by Pork Pork
Humane of ME~*
1 week ago
Hey! Pork pork, mech tha bang srey thom ot mean nick name nous? you forgot it already??? Her name is Porm Porm ja (remember nov ning! one day that we called Rath tha Pe Pe nous ey, at the same time "Porm Porm" also announted to be bang srey thom nick name ...hahaha... cute and tasty name *(^_^)*
wow....i love all nickname :) sound so yummy :P
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