A lil'-lop-lop-kid, once again, exclaimed her wish to be received a gift (had no idea what was wrong with that lil'-lop-lop-kid). Anyhow, what is more lop lop, I, P^o^K P^o^K, and Ah Nhor, together went shopping and yeah, got that lil'-lop-lop-kid gifts. Surprisingly, lil'-lop-lop-kid blushed while taking the gift from us hehe... You know who's that lil'-lop-lop-kid???
One for me, one for ah Nhor, and two for the lil'-lop-lop-kid (how unfair! lolz)
***NOTE: Each cup got its name. So please refers to its name hehe....
Red cup: Steady (Ah Nhor's)
[Steady doch owner]
Pink cup: Touchy (Ah Pok's)
[No comment cos too perfect haha...]
Yellow cup: Cornie (Ah Pork's)
[Color yab jeang ke, don't you think??? Hahhaa...]
Red cup: Steady (Ah Nhor's)
[Steady doch owner]
Pink cup: Touchy (Ah Pok's)
[No comment cos too perfect haha...]
Yellow cup: Cornie (Ah Pork's)
[Color yab jeang ke, don't you think??? Hahhaa...]
Yabb sa ey ah ka Pok??? Phos ker or or... sunshine color hah... brighten up your day na!!!
>> Pink noeung ek, ek min tha teh!!!
>> Yeah... Nhor Nhor, fighting!!!
Ohh... plex na ker tha ah Pork lil lop lop kid???
Ter lop lop bann kado jung... tha oey pon noeng pon noeung ort panhha! hehehe!
btw, thx again for you two! You really make me shock w/ your sweet hearts...
[Chuckling...oy som toeuk... cos too sweet :o)]
yo yo!!! loy men ten nor: what is the Pok Pok's gift? Tea? but it's cool... :)
Bong Nhor gift is loy too :D
oh...Pok Pok po keo dak name of the glasses men.
Ort menn teh... name noeung dak kloun eng teh... kom ah lorm...
Heheheh, laughed three of us...
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